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Blessings of a Lifetime

At 88 one has had plenty of opportunities to stop and reflect on the pathway and experiences that have been taken to reach the present. Certainly, in everyone’s life’s journey there are highs and lows. During moments of reflection one…

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Our Search

We spend a lifetime splitting an atom. We spend several lifetimes or an eternity analyzing the universe. We search for rules or laws of nature so we can understand the physical world. This is the result of a clouded view…

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Is there a reason for being?

Ponder the evidence as displayed by two different individuals. Both are in their golden years and both discover they have a limited time left on earth. One becomes sullen and loses his zest, retiring to a favorite chair and waits.…

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Anger. It is the fieriest of emotions. Anger is a signal that you are about to do something that is contrary to your true intentions. Anger is a signal, an emotion based on disappointment, or a reaction to an undesirable…

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50 Years

It has occurred to me after 50 plus years of marriage that women are an enigmatic creation. No matter how we act, react, or interact at least periodically we will judged as the bleep that ruined 50 years of their…

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Growing Old

Before you turn cold, There’s a walk I am told, it’s called growing old. It’s important to know, that before you go, the walk will be fraught with peril and woe. So hold your head high, and spit in its…

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The Unseen Foe

The deadly arrow from the quiver came The target was hit with exacting aim A strike to the heart by the fatal blow Succumbed he at once to his unknown foe For bind he had been, he was not stupid…

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